Game overviewMinesweeper Genius challenges your mind wi">

Minesweeper Genius – Download game for Android/iOS

94rummy.comstroke="#0E0C10" stroke-width="3.75" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">Game overviewMinesweeper Genius challenges your mind with an unlimited number of random levels using sudoku, picross, and minesweeper mechanics. No guessing, only logic.

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Minesweeper Genius is a game that pays tribute to our beloved classic computer game while taking inspiration from sudoku and picross to create an exciting brain teaser that challenges logical thinking. Your task is to help the genius Aristotle, who wields a broom, sweep a dangerous minefield in order to reclaim his lost memories and escape from sinister aliens conducting scientific experiments. The objective of the game is to identify all of the bombs that are hidden within the minefield. InDragon VS Tiger order to succeed, players must rely on their analytical skills to interpret numerical clues indicating the number of bombs in each row and column. Once players determine the location of a bomb, they must mark it with a flag and then move the minesweeper genius toward the goal portal, all while avoiding deadly mines. This exceptional game boasts an unlimited number of randomly generated levels, making for limitless replayability. With multiple mechanics on offer, players are immersed in a hybrid of sudoku, nonogram (picross), and minesweeper. It is completely reliant on logical deduction and involves no guessing or luck. Further, the game offers players the chance to unlock achievements on Google Play Games and facilitates cloud saving. Challenge yourself and prove your mental prowess with Minesweeper Genius today!Show more

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