Over Hazed
Over Hazed - breathtaking strategy game for Android devices. Interesting plot In this game you will play the role of a hero who literally a few hours before nuclear attack of the world daughter was kidnapped. A radioactive mushroom cloud tued a prosperous world into a wasteland, but the hero does not lose hope of finding his daughter, since in one of the bandit camps he was able to find a necklace that belongs to her. In addition to endless searches, he will have to survive in a harsh world, become one of the founders of a military camp and unravel a whole tangle of incomprehensible events. Lots of in-game content defend the territory from terrorist groups of bandits and mutant creatures, also try to get to the base of the criminals and rescue the daughter of the protagonist. As the population grows, you have to deal with the construction of important facilities, train your army and improve technology, build up forces and use unique skills to defeatrummy gams various opponents.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 91.53 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----
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